Eglurodd y tîm, fod y system gyfreithiol yn datblygu yn gyfatebol ag aeddfedrwydd datganoli yng Nghymru, ond mai nawr yw’r amser i drafod ei ddatblygiad mewn manylder clir.
Caiff opsiynau am y fath system ei egluro mewn papur a greuwyd gan Fflur Jones, cyfreithiwr sydd wedi ei sefydlu yng Nghaerdydd. Cred Plaid, wrth i Gymru fynd yn fwy hyderus fel cenedl unedig, fe ddaw yr amser i Gymru gymryd cyfrifoldeb llawn am ei system awdurdodaeth gyfreithiol.
Dywed Elfyn Llwyd AS, arweinydd Plaid Cymru yn San Steffan, sydd hefyd yn fargyfreithiwr:
“Yn sicr mae’r amser i greu Awdurdodaeth Gyfreithiol i Gymru wedi dod. Dywed y Prif Weinidog ei hun yn Nhŷ’r Cyffredin, bod dyfodol y system plismona mewn gwlad ddatganoledig yn fater hanfodol, yn enwedig o gysidro’r datblygiadau yng Ngogledd Iwerddon.
“Rydym yn gwybod bod cymorth sylweddol ar gyfer datganoli plismona, ac yn ddiweddar gwyddwn bod y pedwar Prif Gwnstabl yn ei gefnogi.
Mae cefnogaeth ar gyfer awdurdodaeth Cymru gyfan yn dod o’r lefelau uchaf yn ogystal â’r ynadaeth.
O gofio bod y Llys Apêl yn eistedd yn rheolaidd yng Nghymru, a bod ganddynt Lys Gweinyddol ein hunain, does bosib bod yr amser wedi dod ar gyfer system unigryw Gymreig o weinyddu awdurdodaeth? Yn enwedig gan fod cyfreithiau Cymru bellach wedi cael eu creu ar gyfer y deng mlynedd diwethaf, a nawr mae cylch gyfreithiol penodol ar gyfer Cymru gyfan."
Ychwanegodd Nerys Evans AC, Cyfarwyddydd Polisi Plaid Cymru:
“Nid mater gweinyddol yn unig yw hwn, mae diffyg awdurdodaeth gyfreithiol i Gymru yn cael effaith ddwys ar unigolion sydd yn gweithio ac yn delio gyda’r system gyfreithiol yng Nghymru.
“Mae gen i bryderon mawr ynglyn â’r defnydd o arbenigwyr honedig mewn achosion llys heb unrhyw ddealltwriaeth o Gymru neu’r materion sy’n effeithio ar fywydau pobl Cymru.
“Dwi wedi bod yn delio gyda dau deulu yn fy etholaeth sydd wedi bod drwy’r system llysoedd teulu ac wedi dod gerbron arbenigwyr addysg heb unrhyw wybodaeth na dealltwriaeth o addysg ddwyieithog nac addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg.
“Mewn un achos dywedodd yr “arbenigwr” y gall addysg cyfrwng Cymraeg achosi arafwch meddwl heb unrhyw heriadau gan y llys. Ni ddylai’r fath sylwadau, gan arbenigwr sydd yn gweithio yn Lloegr, ac sydd wrth gwrs heb unrhyw sail mewn ymchwil wedi ei gyhoeddi, gael eu mynegi heb son am eu derbyn.
“Dyma un esiampl o fethiannau’r system bresennol. Fel mae’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol yn datblygu corff o gyfreithiau gwahanol, mae’n iawn felly i ni ddatblygu awdurdodaeth gyfreithiol i Gymru er mwyn gweinyddu cyfiawnder a chyfraith yng Nghymru.”
Mae copi o’r papur “Datblygu Awdurdodaeth Gyfreithioli Gymru” ar gael yma:;catID=6;pubID=260;lID=2
Plaid Cymru has today developed its calls for the establishment of a unique Welsh legal system in order to reflect the growing body of Welsh legislation that has developed since 1999.
Plaid’s Phil Edwards, Nerys Evans AM and Elfyn Llwyd MP launched ‘Developing a Welsh Jurisdiction’, a policy discussion paper on the future of the system in Wales and suggestions for how it would operate within a devolved framework.
The team explained that a Welsh legal system is already evolving as devolution matures, but stressed that now is the time to give much more discussion to its distinct development.
The paper, put together with Cardiff-based lawyer Fflur Jones, sets out options for such a system. Plaid believes that as Wales is growing in confidence as a nation, the time will come for Wales to take full responsibility for the administration of justice.
Plaid’s Westminster leader Elfyn Llwyd MP, also a practising barrister, said:
“The time surely has come for the creation of an All Wales administration of justice. Recently, the Prime Minister himself has said in the House of Commons that the future of devolved policing, especially given the developments in Northern Ireland, is a vital issue.
“We know that there is considerable support for the devolution of policing and recently all the four chief constables were on the records as supporting this.
“There is support for an All-Wales jurisdiction from the highest levels and also the magistracy.
“Given that the Court of Appeal regularly sits in Wales, and that we do have our own Administrative Court, surely the time is now right for a distinctly welsh system of administration of justice? Especially as Welsh laws have now been created for the last ten years and there is now a distinct all-Wales legal circuit as well.”
Plaid’s Nerys Evans AM, Plaid’s policy director, added:
“This is not merely an administrative issue, the lack of a Welsh legal jurisdiction has a profound effect on individuals who work within and deal with the legal system in Wales.
“I have deep concerns about the use of so-called experts in court cases with no knowledge of Wales or the issue that affect the people of Wales.
“I have been dealing with two families in my constituency that have been through the family court system and have been faced with an educational expert with no knowledge or understanding of bilingual education or Welsh-medium education.
“In one case the so-called witness claimed that Welsh medium education could cause retardation and went unchallenged in the court. The comments, made by an expert practicing primarily in England, of course had no basis in published research, and should not have been aired let alone accepted.
“This is one example of the failings of the current system. As the National Assembly develops a body of law distinct for Wales, it is only right that we have develop a distinct Welsh legal jurisdiction to administer justice and law in Wales.”
A copy of ‘Developing a Welsh Jurisdiction’ is available here:;catID=6;pubID=260;lID=2
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